September 30, 2019

Representatives Casten, Tonko, Quigley Introduce the Preserve Science in Policymaking Act

Downers Grove, IL. – Last week, Representatives Sean Casten (IL-06), Paul Tonko (NY-20), and Mike Quigley (IL-05) introduced the Preserve Science in Policymaking Act of 2019. The bill would prevent the President from unilaterally dissolving Federal Advisory Committees – groups of scientists and academics that advise the executive branch on how to make their regulations evidence-based – without the approval of apolitical civil servants and a public notice and comment period. The bill comes in reaction to the President's Executive Order #13875, which required one-third of these committees to be dissolved by today, September 30th, the end of Fiscal Year 2019.

"We cannot continue to allow our President to actively deny science," said Rep. Casten. "Our environment, our economy, and the American people depend on having regulations that are backed by the best evidence academia and modern research can provide. I'm proud to introduce the Preserve Science in Policymaking Act to make sure our researchers have a seat at the table."

"The Trump Administration's plan to slash America's federal advisory boards undermines the role of independent, reliable scientific data and evidence in policymaking," said Rep. Tonko. "The committees currently being targeted for elimination work on critical issues including children's health, clean air, science advice, renewable energy, energy efficiency, earth science, STEM, water, pesticides, and more. I am proud to join with Congressman Casten to introduce the Science in Policymaking Act and protect these important federal advisory committees."

"The Trump Administration has consistently demonstrated a lack of concern for both the scientific process and government transparency," said Rep. Quigley. "This is just another example of the President unwilling to embrace scientific research, which is a basic and integral part of continuing American progress. I am pleased to support this legislation that protects the institution of science and all that it has to offer."
